Love is letting go of the mask of fear
Throughout life, if we are listening, the same message repeats over and over and over, trying to get our attention, calling us back into truth. That there is only love, and letting go of fear is the way back to being aware of the love we are, back to be•ing love. That fear is only a mask worn over love to give us the illusion we can stay safe from what is upsetting to us and we cannot control.
Fear is very black and white - there are no grey areas. It's all or nothing; you're either scared or your not, there is no in between. Many of us grew up in conditions that resulted in a fearful experience of childhood - so much we couldn't control with no choice but to go along for the unpredictable ride. It was either okay, or bad. Happy wasn't a state of being to trust because it was taken away so easily at another's whim. Being that is what we experienced so early in life, we developed an unconscious "black and white" way of being and seeing our world. We continued to project this way of being onto whatever was happening around us as it's the filter we learned to see the world through. This stays with us until we finally get so sick of being afraid and notice the fear, and consider that there may be another way of seeing and experiencing our lives.
Fear carves deeply into us. It mares how we perceive. It completely changes how we experience EVERYTHING in our lives and in the world. It's ugly. It's scary to feel scared. It's very in our face and it's all we can see, despite all the other realities that might be available to us.
But when we finally realize that it's fear blocking our view, we shift how we see it, and then we shift WHAT we see - and HOW we see it. We see a new perspective is possible! And that there is more than fear, there is so much more!! We see there is "something else" we can focus on, and that something else is far more light feeling, and we so want to feel that! We can choose what we focus on - we can let fear be in our face, or we can shift a bit and see beyond it.
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