Soulography ™ [sohl-og-ruh-fee ]
verb: the intentional, creative and intuitive process of using photography to give a visual and symbolic voice to the soul. This process is used to see, hear and experience your inner wisdom in order to allow it to guide you in aligning to your authentic beliefs, choices and actions.
This is an experiential, intuitive, and guided journey of the spirit to a place of rediscovery.
By intentionally allowing the heart to lead in a photographic nature walk, wisdom is revealed as the mind rests and the heart is given a voice. As you are guided by an intention of your own creation, you allow Nature to help you see what you are needing to acknowledge, intuit your own insights from your heart led photographs, find the clarity and space you need to move forward in the way you are truly desiring to go. All the while you are held in a supportive, safe, and confidential space.
After this is complete, an optional Soul Session can be done {at an additional value} to deepen your ability to move beyond those bits that were keeping you stuck, by bringing into conscious awareness the belief, pattern or choices(s) ready to be let go of.
It is a highly personalized journey guided by intention and led by the heart.
It honors the reality that all our answers lie within us, not outside us.
It honors Nature as a powerful and deeply reflective mirror for our inner self and invites a deeper connection to self through connecting with the natural world.
It serves to repair the disconnection that led us to overlook our own truth and look outside ourselves to the truths of others for the guidance and clarity that only we can give ourselves. Anything less does not truly align with who we are and leaves us feeling unfulfilled, disconnected, unsupported, drained...
It honors the truth that we are the creators of our own lives, and once we own that we can finally begin to create the life we truly want.
It honors the connection to self as a connection to our source, our higher power, to God.
It deepens trust of ourselves, by showing us we knew the answers all along.
This journey is for women who are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Who feel a nagging sense of "more", but they just can't seem to figure out what it is.
Who know what they want, but are stuck in the hamster wheel of endless thoughts, unable to take action.
Who feel depleted and unfulfilled by the lives they've created.
The answers are there! They are not in a book, or another person...
...they are in you.
Self Investment
Your journey begins as soon as you say "yes" to yourself and commit to the experience; to your own self growth. When we decide to embark on an experience like this we are immediately lovingly supported by the mysteries of the universe - God, or the name you choose to use.
The journey continues with self-refection in the form of journaling in order to more closely look at what is it you are wanting to experience differently in your life. From the answers you discover in your journal, you will create an intention to guide your journey. All journeys begin at one point and end at another - and your intention is what guides you through it to the destination you desire. I provide 1:1 support through this process as you need it.
Next is our nature walk which we do together. This is where you experience resting the mind and following the heart - and feel the important differences between the two. We spent about 1 hour, guided by your intention, of you creating heart led images which we will more closely look at after the walk to intuit the wisdom from. This is the wisdom that will greatly increase your self awareness, open your eyes to so much, give you guidance you've been deeply craving, and provide the base from which we create action aligned with your inner wisdom that moves you in the direction you are desiring. This is about a 3-4 hour process in total.
After we have identified your action(s) you go and make it happen! After the incredible insight you gain from the journey, action or a new way of being will feel much easier because you are far more clear on what you truly want and the steps to take to get there. And all the guidance came from yourself - so you clearly see how you already knew what to do, but let self-doubt interfere! The creates a new foundation of trust in yourself that you move forward with. This is so powerful!
I will follow up with you a few times to hear the wonderful things have opened up for you! This kind of journey is so personal and unique to each of us and so the experiences and results will look different for everyone, but there WILL be increased clarity, increased self awareness, ease of forward movement where you felt stuck before. Even a small shift changes the trajectory of your life in a big way!
In the week after the journey, if you like, we can do a Soul Session to further deepen the clarity you gained and more deeply release what might be holding you back.
Who is this journey for?
Women who feel, stuck, frustrated, depleted, mistrust in themselves, disconnection to self, confused at what they need, on the hamster wheel of thinking and no action, over giving, obligation, guilt, constant self-sacrifice, like they are always put other people first, and not following the calls of their heart.
What will you gain?
Clarity, insight, increased trust in your own intuition and inner wisdom, increased joy, fulfillment, empowerment, connection to self, and sense of freedom and greater alignment to your authentic self! Everyone one of these is life changing.
What do you need?
Any camera (cell phone is perfect!), and the willingness to trust yourself and have an open mind to see what it is you have overlooked.
Dress for the weather the day we walk and bring your journal to record your insights.
As your guide, I bring 9 years of experience as a Registered Nurse holding space for women during their unique experiences as they birthed their children, while at the same time discovering a sense of empowerment and self-trust as they move through the highs, lows, self doubt and struggles of labor and/or birth.
I also bring insight from my own personal journey of disconnection to reconnection, and the process I experienced and tools I used to grow. As well as a deep respect for the space and time needed for healing to occur, and an appreciation of our innate ability to find our own answers.
My high sensitivity and deep emotional empathy allow me to intuitively aid you on your journey back to self.
I bring photographic knowledge and experience, creativity and joy in the photographic process as we leave perfection behind and embrace what wants to be seen.
This journey is a blend of my personal experience, skills, wisdom and gifts, and it bring me so much joy to share it with you!
In person guided Soulography sessions are available in the Prince Albert, Sk area. This journey may also be done long distance, through Skype, or FaceTime. Please contact me for more information about this.
Please email, or reach me through Facebook @jengrunder to chat, ask question, or book a Soulography journey!
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